Auburn University
Physics Department
380 Duncan Drive, Auburn, Al, 36849, USA
Contact Information:
Call: +1(334) 844-8712
Fax: +1 (334) 844-4613
Email: glaurent@auburn.edu
Research Interests:
G. M. Laurent is a Full professor in the Physics Department. He received his Ph.D. in 2004 from the University of Caen (France) for his work on the electron emission induced by highly charged ion on hydrogen molecule. His research project also included the development of the first French reaction microscope. From 2004 to 2009, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Madrid in Spain, where he dedicated his research activities to the study of the interaction of diatomic molecules with metal surfaces both from an experimental and theoretical point of views. In 2009, he joined the Physics Department at Kansas State University as a research associate, where he started his research in the field of attosecond science. In 2013, he moved to MIT as a Research Scientist to pursue his research in attosecond science and femtosecond laser development. Finally, in Fall 2015 he joined the Physics Department at Auburn University as an Associate Professor. In Fall 2022, he earned a position of full Professor in the Department.
Professional Appointments:
